
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Architecture Interview

Okay, this is late news...but here it is anyway. I'm shortlisted for NUS architecture interview on the 29th.

It doesn't mean anything. It simply means I'm not pro enough to be admitted straight without interview via the aptitude test (like duh?)...and also that I'm not downright lousy till I don't even get the chance to go for an interview. Bearing that in mind, like 100 over (near 200 maybe?) people get an interview, so it's not really an achievement.

>.< I'm so going to blank out.

Anyway, I come to the office today with several plans in mind.
1) I am going to quit this job. Simply cannot stand her anymore. I'll look for some other job, part time perhaps. Maybe start on that business I've always wanted. Do some stuff before school starts (if I have school that is).
2) Since I'm gonna quit...I might heed kh's advice and say some stuff I really think. But it depends. And I'll prolly not be too nasty. It's not really my nature I think, however fiery I might be at times >.<
3) I'll leave early today. Prep for the interview a bit. Must bear in mind I have tutoring tonight too.

But guess what? She's not here. And I'm not going to be here tomorrow. So...I can't quit/say what's on my mind/ask for permission to leave early. Regardly the last point, I'll just do it without permission. Hmm...shall ask Raymond.


ok, he doesn't know either. I'll just do it without permission. Sigh, do I tell them I'm going to quit? >.<

Without a job...I need to think about new sources of income. Lots of things that require money. University (if I get in), my cats' sterilization coming 7th, possible business investment, and JAPAN TRIP - the one thing I really really don't wanna compromise on. Yes, no matter what must get enough for Japan rawr.

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9:17 AM

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I feel like shit. I feel like shit. I feel like shit.

A hundred obstacles.
A thousand distractions.
A million people who don't understand me.

Can't you tell I need someone now?
I'm scared. Damn you.

I hate being unstable. I despise myself when I'm like that.
But when I'm like that..
I don't really care.


12:03 AM

Friday, April 24, 2009

Morning rant

Ok, first thing in the office for me today is to blog and not mousehunt (no work now). Why? Because I'm feeling damn pissed off.

This is what happened.

Yesterday, she had 2 hours time off. So she asks me to off the radio on the mobile phone, which is connected to our "music-on-hold" system, at 6pm. Which is what I did.

And today she scolds me robotic? Why? Because I didn't off the phone. AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT? Like seriously, obviously if she didn't tell me I won't dare to off right? Like what if it's connected to some recording machine...or worse still connected to the surveillance system or something. What the hell. And now I'm robotic. She thinks she's so clever and everything. Everyone is beneath her. She doesn't do it often, but I heard her scold another colleague yesterday. Made him sound like he's damn stupid. Seriously, everyone must be perfect except for her. And everyone's supposed to read her mind, else we are stupid or robotic. ARGH.

I pity her daughter man. From what I overheard during her rather loud telephone conversations, she probably doesn't like her mum very much. Now I feel like I love my mum to bits. rawr.

It took all my effort to bite my tongue and not confront her about this just now lah.


9:13 AM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

19th Birthday

Ah...I'm nineteen. Though to tell the truth, it doesn't feel as drama this year. But it really is the best I've had thus far. Certain people's actions, though small, but really touched me. Like the sms I got in the morning. Actually especially the sms I got in the morning. From the unknown number. You know who you are, when you get back to read this..thanks.

Shopping with shuyi was really fun. I haven't shopped properly in a long time...Saw this leopard beret that really suited shuyi so bought it for her as a early birthday present haha...She gave me a bunny toy! XD though to be honest, it looks like a donkey in some angles. haha.

Jan shares the same birthday as me, so shuyi had to leave early. Mark and Jerome came later...and roger too...though he missed us after walking three rounds, and jerome had to go over to drag him here haha. So I ended up eating two cones, one with shuyi, and one with the guys. Lanning proceeded after the cones....I'm not last in all the games!~ YAY. muahahahahaha. Okay lah, I lan a bit more than mark? donno. but so yea, I'm always 2nd or 3rd out of the 5 of us. Oh, except for the first game I think. Oh well, cannot remember liao lol. But was fun. XD

If I didn't know the guys in JC...I wouldn't be able to lan on my birthday bah. *sighs happily*

So yay...got a gag gift from mark...NS CAMO MAKEUP KIT. WTF. i was like completely speechless lah. ended up giving it to Jared...since he enlisting on friday LOL. The actual presents were great (thanks guys) and Jared (and gang) decided to pay for my threadless shirts as a bdae prezzie...though I'll still be paying him for the shirt that I bought for Shan haha.

Sammie and Ning stayed at starbucks, using my sister as a bait to surprise me. haha. They got me strawberry shortcake....but my sister smashed it accidentally haha. But thanks people, really loved the thought. I know you guys are tired and everything from school lah. Especially you ning. >.< you really look wrecked. <333 Sam and Ning!

Come to think of it, I really have a thing for strawberry cakes haha.

Thanks everyone who made my birthday great! and all the birthday wishes, via facebook or sms =)


12:30 AM

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Ate lunch with chenzhen and vanessa at Kyo Nichii again and it was as good as ever. Then spent the afternoon using my com while listening in on the econs crash course cz was giving vanessa. Woonie arrived later and ended up watching anime/watching me play eroge behind me. The usual slacking at the esplanade...which I actually like. LOL. Contrary to what some people might expect of me. XD

Dinner was at Sushi-tei! Though we had to wait half an hour for seats, and woonie had to rush back to camp, so he ate at the food court instead. He did eat some Umaki and Dai Dai Rolls though when we finally got our seats, before rushing off to camp. AHHHH the Umaki was heavenly haha. Too bad Vanessa doesn't like eels XD Seriously, Sushi-tei is the best place to splurge...the food is sooo good it's difficult to feel guilty about spending money there. haha. And the bill came up to be less than we expected too. About 20 bucks per person, split among the three of us. We planned a 30 dollars plus budget lah! LOL. Vanessa's dad's membership card helped though. 10 percent discount! XD

Ahhhhh I love sushi-tei.

Oh, before woonie left, woonie and vanessa presented me with my birthday present. PSP PATAPON 2! LOL. in japanese too...vanessa says it's a motivation for me to learn japanese fast. XD but seriously, after roger and cz's repeated warnings not to play the game lest the cute sounds get stuck in my head LOL. wheeeeee i'm so happy. LOVE VANESSA AND WOONIE! <3 lol. but seriously, the day's the best, with present or not. CZ is the best person to go out with lah, vanessa claims our nonsensical arguements are the best entertainment. oh, and the sea salt caramel icecream at asabo is damn nice too!!!

Shit, I can't stop thinking about how nice sushi-tei was LOL. seriously, at this rate i'm really going to associate good food with cz le lah. everytime with him sure eat good food one LOL.

2 more days to free cone day! LOL. 2 more days till i'm 19 too XD

shall try the game asap. maybe tmr haha.

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1:20 AM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gmail RSS

Am I slow to only just realised that there is an rss feed available for my gmail inbox?
Though I wonder who would make use of that function. For work email which doesn't receive many emails maybe?


11:18 AM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Film Work!


Sean just posted the job vacancies....for us, the production assistant post is suitable =)


sigh. good things always happen when I can't do it.
Or if I don't get into uni, I can go for it I guess. LOL.
Or I can just see if Sean lets me do it despite having uni schedules LOL.

OKay, nevermind. We'll see how. In the meantime, whoever of you film people wants to apply may apply. Without my permission yes. XD

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2:00 AM

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


It's official. I hate my supervisor. Full story tonight.


11:12 AM

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Foul Supervisor

Okay, today's a bad day at work. There's still the usual amount of (little) work to do..So I'm doing my own stuff. But my supervisor appears to be in a foul mood today. She's unusually impatient and fierce. >.< So I'm going to try do as little of my own stuff in front of her (although supposedly she's one person I don't have to hide from?) Sigh. It shall be totally unbelievable though, since there's really absolutely nothing to do. Except when someone asks me to do something for them?

Oh, I'm getting a PSP soon btw. =D Totally need to sell my netbook soon.

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10:46 AM


name; melissa chan meiyi
age; 18
bdae; 210490
location; singapore

hates; hypocrites, betrayers and traitors
drink :: ice lemon tea | chocolate milk | green tea | milo
colour :: orange | pink | green
anime :: bleach
manga :: ouran high school host club
books :: the day after forever by erin skiffington | the lovely bones by alice sebold
authors :: agatha christie | jane austen
music :: death cab for cutie | jay chou | muse


adp rgs rjc

1/1 2F 3M 4M 5P 6Q 106 206 310 410 08S05B

purple house buckle buckle-buckley

adp: it club library eng drama chinese dance swimming

rg: handbells library rjc: film society chinese orchestra japanese cultural club (once in jcc always in jcc!)


I'm a girl, who's normal most of the time, but weird otherwise. My nickname in primary school was blurqueen, which was upgraded to BBQ Bizzarely Blurqueen in Secondary 2 during Primary 6 class reunion. I have a huge variety of interests, so I end up being very poor in time management.

Friends, my brother and sisters, and my computer.
I take birthdays very seriously.
I love roses.
I love the late night.
I love manga and anime.
I love my cats, (schro)dinger and newton.
I love concerts.

Me @ Twitter

follow me on Twitter


My DeviantART
My Livejournal (more private entries than public though, and much abandoned as of now.)

My Prayer Log (private)
bleach portal
08S05B class blog!
rjc film society blog!
promediaus (sean's team)
sj tribe
youthnet online
youthnet admin

jasmine yam
jawed's tumblr
kah hou
mel law

The Stars They Say Official Website

DISCLAIMER: these are linked here so that there's no need for my minute brain to remember so many urls. lol


I really wish I can purge myself from this world a...
I don't know what I'm doing. And why my existence ...
I'm more than a lil bit tired of living. But I'm s...
Today was perfect. We were both happy. So why am I...
If I keep my distance. If I really gain enough dis...
It's all too late. In all probability, too late. I...
If I'm not here in this world, he won't be having ...
or maybe i just won't update. not sure if i'll giv...
Domain (again)
sticking with the low quality

April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 November 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2011 September 2011



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also to iPod
web-design by .copyright. ling1oo%
blogskins~ mzlingling*


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