Thursday, September 28, 2006
I hereby announce that my PMS period is (almost) over!!! YAY!!!!!!! Day's quite good I guess. SOCCER WAS FUN!!!!!!!! hee.....and I actually made progress with shan's skin. Incredible. Downloading anime Ouran High School Host Club. can't wait to watch it. Seleena's influencing me into watching Full House. And she's succeeding! I think I am gonna download. My laptop's full of downloads now. HAHAHAHAHAHA....and more work to be done for options and math..I never thought that the day would come when I am actually relieved that there are more work to do. Although that means I don't do work..guess I am the type who needs to "not do work although there's work to be done". Anyhow, at last, life in term 4 is finally getting more meaningful. *BIG GRINZ* =)))
Friday, September 15, 2006
A typical conversation to show where my crappiness came from..
*I was leaning against my sis, and don't ask me why I was leaning against her*
Liyi: Your face is hot. *meaning warm*
Meiyi: Ooh..thank you. I know my face is hot..I am hot, baby!
Liyi: Yup. Oh, do you know that oil is very flammable?
Haoyi and Jing: *ROAR IN LAUGHTER*
Evidently, my crappiness came from liyi. Haiz.
I'm still super clueless on shan's skin. GOTHIC CATHEDRALS. tsk, tsk. Experimented here and there, but still..oh well, there's one more week till the dateline.
P.S. Sel, I'm sorry I didn't take your advice. You were right. But this skin is kinda taking lots of (what's left of) my brain power away. Really really didn't feel like facing a whole day of lessons today. =(
Oh, and options are taking way more time than I expected. I didn't realised how long has it been since I last blogged! =P
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
YESH! My beloved sister has found my cd folder for me!!! YAY! You know what this means?? I get my adobe photoshop cd back! YAY!!!!!!!!! Now I can finally go to work on shan's skin. haha. BUT. Tomorrow and the day after, i have copera prac. Sunday, there's copera perf at china embassy. Which leaves only Saturday with absolutely no plans. HMMM..Not to mention that I have not the slightest plan or idea on what the skin is going to be on or what it's going to be like. HMMM...HMM...i love projects nevertheless...ah...
LATEST LOVE: OURAN HIGH SCHOOL. *squeek*omg....*lovestruck*
Monday, September 04, 2006
And what have I been doing? Reading Agatha Christie, and ripping cds into my new laptop. HMM...Notice that I did not sort out my wardrobe as I intended to do, nor did I start on making Shan's blogskin. SIGH. One thing about having holidays with no O levels (okay, higher chinese don't really count) looming above you is that the temptation to slack is just too great. It's just so nice to sit there, read books and listen to music.
OH...and speaking of music...anyone has "Just Getting Older", "Round Are Way" and "Rockin Chair" by Oasis? Wasn't really into them last time. But kinda feel like listening to them recently. =P Guess it's the holiday atmostphere. Got a bit crazy. Haha. Been listening to 98 Degrees too. Long time since I last listened to them, and I actually forgot how much I used to like them. A LOT. LOL. Their songs are usually so nice and soothing. Not that I don't like rock...But, it's nice to have something different to listen to once in a while. Get what I mean?? XP to dig out that adobe photoshop cd to install into my laptop. I refuse to work seriously on my old computer. It's soooooo LAGGY. urgh. Maybe I'll sort out my old com when I feel like it. I mean, now that I have two machines to divide the workload, it should be much easier to sort out stuff right? RIGHT?? sigh. I've decided to do photoshop/web stuff on the laptop, and I am sooooo NOT going back to the computer. But if I don't find the cd soon, I guess I'll have to. Owe shan a skin afterall. My hands are itching for photoshop anyway. hee...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Fine. My sister is filled with jealousy over my being able to choose what to study for term 4. Both her friends and my friends would gladly trade places with me. But the truth is, Options are about the most frustrating things on earth. Or maybe it's just the way the school does it that makes it so frustrating.
I admit, that the options are mostly interesting. And I am glad I am in this school which gives me the priviledge of learning stuff other people don't get the chance to learn. (Name me another school which considers greek mythology as part of curriculum? That's one of the modules up for grabs for term 4.)
BUT, choosing options is just such a hassle. The timetable for the options the school came out with makes it extremely difficult. I am still able to make relatively good combinations I agree, and I commend the school for that. Must have took the teachers a lot of time and effort to come out with such a good (though complicated) timetable. Still, being the usual "lack-of-sense-of-time-and-schedule" me, it's just super difficult for me to simply churn out combinations which actually works around the timetable just like that. I thought I'll come out with combinations which I would like to take, then simply look at the timetable, and strike out those that are impossible to fit in the timetable. But guess what? None of the combinations worked. There's bound to be one or two which clashes. SO, i gave up. I just went trial-and-error. The result: 2hrs plus passed, and I am still left with 2 out of the 7 choices. 2 more combinations to churn out. Sigh. Wish me luck.
SidenoteWRL was having indian culture stuff today! =))) I dressed up in sari and took photo! They said they'll send me by email the photos...Haven recieved them yet though. =( Here's a picture of my henna tattoo, just for a sneak peek! X)

Saturday, September 02, 2006
True. A blog does not need a tagboard to function. I also happen to know of people who refuse to (succumb to peer pressure and) own a tagboard. So, fine. Tagboards are for people who need the constant assurance that someone is reading their blog. And obviously I am one of those people, since I have a tagboard. So please me and TAG!!!! Don't leave me hanging (however boring my life may be).
And I have officially recieved my laptop!!!! YAY! A new computer takes so much customising and getting use to...But who's complaining??? hee...